
EasySXB is a terminal client for the W65C265SXB and W65C134SXB single board computers by Western Design Center. (The Mensch W65C265QBX has a menu entry, but is treated as a W65C265SXB for now).

Windows release 0.1.5 (package contains both 32-bit and 64-bit versions):


Source Code

Command Line Arguments

--port <port name>
--file <file to upload, .hex or .srec>
--theme <"light" or "dark">

To automatically upload a program (Linux):

easysxb --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --file ./program.hex


You may need to download the latest FTDI Virtual COM Port Drivers for Windows if the port isn't recognized. After attaching the board to a USB port, Windows will assign it a port name (like COM1 or COM3). The port to use will show up in Device Manager. Note: if you try to connect to the wrong port then the program may crash.

On Linux, the port will have a name like /dev/ttyUSB0 and the user must be in the dialout group. (You may need to restart the computer after changing the group.)

Prior to connecting, select your product in Options/Board Model. Then choose File/Connect to SXB and connect using the port name assigned by the operating system.

Upon connection, hit return. If you don't get a prompt, you'll need to press the reset button on the board.

Altering Registers

Pressing return after changing a field will update that register. Be sure to always press the Get Regs button beforehand to retrieve the current register values. The lights for the status register flags may also be toggled, and doing so updates the status register on the board. Again, make sure to press Get Regs first.

Memory Dump

Enter an address and press Dump Mem to retrieve a page (256 bytes) of memory. This is useful if you need to see changes in memory "at a glance".

Loading and Running Programs

Selecting File/Upload Program brings up a file chooser. EasySXB supports the Intel HEX and Motorola S28 file formats.

A number will appear for each line as it uploads. Run the program by entering the start address and pressing either JML or JSL (jump to location/subroutine).

